Two Men Reviewing Cooling Water Towers

Cooling Water Treatment For Industrial Cooling Water Systems

We understand that your productivity and product quality could be impacted by your cooling water system. Industrial cooling towers and closed loop efficiency can be adversely affected by corrosion, scaling, fouling and biological contamination. Nalco Water offers a full array of cooling water treatment solutions including chemicals, equipment, automation and software, designed to safely optimise cooling system performance while conserving water and minimising waste.

Safety is a priority both with our cooling water chemical treatment programmes and the environment. 3D TRASAR™ technology for cooling water systems can help you reach your sustainability goals by reducing water and energy use and making blowdown safer for discharge.

Featured Cooling Water Treatment Programmes

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Clean Water Stream

Scale & Deposit Control for Cooling Water Systems

Fresh water is being added to cooling water towers to replace water lost through leaks or evaporation.  But this makeup water contains minerals, dirt, debris and other impurities that build up and insulate the metal surfaces.  Our forgiving polymers help prevent scale and deposits from forming over a wide operating range, are halogen stable, and can handle iron or aluminum contamination.

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Closed Loop Cooling Water System with Treatment

Corrosion Inhibitors for Cooling Water Systems

Corrosion deteriorates metal and reduces its thickness and strength that can result in leaks, contamination or equipment failures in the heat exchangers and recirculating cooling water pipes in open towers and closed loops.
Our complete line includes Dual Cathodic Inhibitors for stressed industrial water, phosphate-free products, inorganic, all-organic and passivation programmes.

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Two Workers Talking In Front of Cooling Towers

Cooling Water Biocontrol for Cooling Water Systems

Cooling towers are constantly exposed to environmental contaminants and bacteria. This requires a rapid response, accurate detection and a tailored programme to control biological growth. Nalco Water will work with you to design a cooling water biocontrol programme from our complete line of oxidizing and non-oxidizing biocides, algaecides and biodispersants.

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Closed Loop Cooling Water Pipes

Chlorine Dioxide

Nalco Water offers a variety of chlorine dioxide offerings suited for applications from traditional cooling water microbial control to secondary disinfection.  Purate™ technology was developed with for large industrial systems while AccuPro™ is suited for medium to small cooling water systems. 

Learn More About PurateLearn More About ENVIROX
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Microscopic Representation of Legionella

Legionella Control

Nalco Water is uniquely qualified to help you manage and reduce Legionella risk as the global leader in water safety for over 30 years.  Let us develop a customized Water Management Plan that incorporate the required elements of ASHRAE Standard 188 for your facility.

Cooling Water Treatment Programmes, Products, Equipment and Services

Explore our offerings related to optimizing your industrial cooling water systems

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Nalco Water Handbook

This industry-standard resource offers practical guidance on the use and treatment of water and wastewater in industrial and institutional facilities. Revised to align with the latest regulations and technologies, The Nalco Water Handbook, Fourth Edition, explains water management fundamentals and clearly shows how to improve water quality, minimise usage, and optimise treatment processes. Throughout, new emphasis is placed on today’s prevailing issues, including water scarcity, stressors, and business risk.
Covers all essential water treatment topics, including:

  • Water management fundamentals
  • The business case for managing water
  • Water sources, stressors, and quality
  • Basic water chemistry
  • Impurity removal
  • Steam generation
  • Cooling water systems
  • Safety for building water systems
  • Post-treatment
  • Energy in water systems
  • Water applications across various industries

Watch the video to learn more and purchase the book by clicking the link below!