Supplemental Disinfection
Water is not sterile and domestic hot and cold water can provide ideal conditions for microbial growth. At Nalco Water, we have been leaders in Water Safety for more than 25 years and we have developed a Supplemental Disinfection platform including innovative technologies and effective chemistries to address the toughest challenges you are facing to keep your healthcare or hospitality facility safe from the risks posed by this growth.
Why Supplemental Disinfection?
The disinfection your municipal is supplying might not be sufficient to keep microbio from reaching the final point of use in your facility’s water. Supplemental disinfection will re-engineer an oxidant residual in your water to help reduce the risk of re-growth of microorganisms after they enter your facility which means you can focus on what matters—providing care to your patients and patrons. To find out more about Supplemental Disinfection and legionella risk management, click here.
Programmes, Products, Equipment and Services
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