Ecolab Lerma Mexico Plant Employees

Ecolab Lerma, Mexico, Plant
Certified as Water Stewardship Leader

Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Standard Case Study
Published November 2021 | Updated March 2025


As a global leader in water solutions and services, Ecolab remains dedicated to creating a more water secure future through smart water management, conservation and stewardship. By 2030 we plan to continue to achieve a Net Positive Water Impact through:

  • Reducing, recycling and replenishing water at operational sites. We are targeting to reduce water impact by 40% per unit production across our enterprise from a 2018 base year.
  • Protecting local watersheds by working to restore greater than 50% of our absolute water withdrawal volume at high-risk sites.
  • Delivering outcomes through the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Standard by achieving AWS certification for Ecolab manufacturing sites located in high-risk watersheds.

Ecolab’s manufacturing facility located in Lerma, Mexico, near Mexico City, Mexico, is a key contributor to these goals. The Lerma site is a blend and reaction plant that primarily produces water treatment solutions and products. The Lerma facility sources water from the Valle de Toluca Aquifer, the Lerma site is a part of the Rio Lerma 1 watershed. A minor portion of the plant’s water is supplemented by an on-site rainwater collection system and wastewater reclamation.  Wastewater is treated by a third-party wastewater treatment facility and ultimately discharged to the Lerma River. Wastewater processed through the onsite wastewater treatment plan and then discharged into the municipal sewer system, which is connected to a local water treatment facility, Reciclagua, for further treatment. Water is than release into the Rio Lerma River. Process tank wash water is collected in Intermediate Bulk Containers (IBCs) and reused. Residual water is channeled to an on-site trench and processed through the onsite water treatment facility.

The Lerma site was identified as a priority location to pursue AWS certification, enhance the site’s smart water management approach and implement innovative technologies to advance enterprise water goals.


To contribute to Ecolab’s enterprise water goals, the local team’s objective is to reduce annual water use per ton of product by 40% from 2018 to 2030.

The following projects help improve the facility’s water balance and have been implemented to reduce overall water use:

  • Expansion of onsite rainwater collection system for use in the emergency sprinkler system and increasing operational capacity
  • Installation of high-efficiency bathroom fixtures
  • Installation of a condensate recovery system
  • Optimization of process equipment washout processes
  • Improvement in deionized water system efficiency
  • Enhanced automation of the boiler system
  • Cooling tower upgrades
  • Installation and optimization of onsite wastewater reclamation system


The improvements made at the Lerma site have proved to be a helpful step forward for enhancing the site’s operations and advancing Ecolab’s sustainability goals.

AWS Certification Plant Imagery

With the aim to improve overall health of local watersheds, and as part of Ecolab’s efforts to create 2030 Positive Impact, we have prioritized AWS certification in high-risk watersheds in which we operate.

Water Governance Icon

Good Water

Sustainable Water Icon

Sustainable Water Balance

Quality Water Icon

Good Water
Quality Status

Water Related Areas Icon

Important Water-Related Areas

Safe Water Icon

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Wash)

Water Stewardship Journey

Ecolab is committed to sustainable water use in our facilities and collaboration with other businesses at the local level. In alignment with Ecolab’s commitment to a holistic approach to water management across its manufacturing facilities, the company achieved the Core Certification for Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Version 2.0 International Water Standard at its Lerma, Mexico, site. The Lerma site has continued to stay up to date on AWS requirements to uphold the core certification.

To identify shared water challenges in the Rio Lerma Basin, a comprehensive risk assessment was performed leveraging insights from Ecolab’s Smart Water Navigator, and the World Resources Institute (WRI) Aqueduct Atlas. Implementation of water withdrawal reduction projects were prioritized based on risk probability and impact to site-level and community stakeholders.

Ecolab’s water stewardship approach aims to make a positive impact within our operations and on the water challenges within the communities we operate in. For the Lerma site and local stakeholders, top water related challenges include: water quality, water scarcity and flooding. 

To effectively address these challenges, Ecolab’s strong water stewardship approach strives for continuous improvement in sustainable site water balance and water quality. Our holistic approach includes a focus on important water related areas (IWRA) and Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), and our continued progress across all these critical areas depends on our strong water governance.

Using the Ecolab Smart Water Navigator to quantify the progress made against the five AWS outcomes, the Lerma site is considered Water-Smart on the Water Maturity Curve. The Water Maturity Curve illustrates the quantified state of a site’s water strategy and management plan. A facility’s place on the curve is determined by a set of criteria that includes governance and strategy, target setting, water management practices and water stewardship. The criteria incorporate principles consistent with the five outcomes of the AWS framework, both emphasizing that strong water management includes continuous improvement and collaboration inside and outside the facilities operations.

Learn More About the Ecolab Smart Water NavigatorLearn More About Ecolab’s Water Stewardship Approach
Sustainable Water Icon

Sustainable Water Balance

Net Positive Water

A sustainable water balance and smart water management approach within our own operations is a critical component in achieving enterprise-wide net positive water impact. Aligned with the enterprise goals, the local team’s objective is to reduce the site’s annual water use per ton of product by 40% from 2018 to 2030. The team at Ecolab’s Lerma site assessed the facility for opportunities to decrease water use across operations to meet Ecolab’s targets to create 2030 Positive Impact. Implementation of water reduction projects are prioritized based on risk probability and impact to site-level and community stakeholders.

Quality Water Icon

Water Quality

Water Quality Approach

To maintain good water quality, the Lerma quality team monitors water quality daily. water Incoming water undergoes initial testing for conductivity and pH. Incoming process water is then routed through a deionization system. Wastewater is processed and tested in the on-site water treatment facility were a variety of key parameters are tested. Wastewater is tested by the third-party treatment facility and reported monthly with additional annual testing.

Prior to draining storm water and discharging wastewater, Ecolab facilities must visually inspect and test the effluent to confirm that it meets the local environmental requirements, permit limits or company standards.  If there are no local environmental requirements or permit limits, company standards must be met for stormwater discharge into an adjacent water way or wastewater effluent into a city sewer system. If a spill or water-related issue were to occur the site has a robust incident response plan that includes a root cause analysis of the original incident, documentation in an internal reporting platform and communication of mitigation strategies. Site water-related compliance information is available upon request.

Water Governance Icon

Water Governance

Water Governance Approach

At the plant level, the safety, health and environment (SHE) department is responsible for wastewater testing, compliance, effluent and legal wastewater discharges. The SHE manager ultimately responsible and plant manager is accountable. Additionally, the SHE manager is responsible for water monitoring requirements per Ecolab's internal global supply chain environmental policy and any applicable external regulations.

The corporate environmental lead is available to consult on regulatory updates and wastewater compliance. Site water-related compliance information is available upon request, including necessary corrective action taken by the site to prevent future occurrences.

The corporate sustainability team is guided and advised by the Sustainability Executive Advisory Team (SEAT), which is made up of the company’s most senior business and divisional leaders. In addition, Ecolab’s SustainabilityWater Stewardship and SafetyHealth and Environment (SHE) positions are publicly available and serve as commitments to and guidance on water-related issues and compliance. Ecolab’s Sustainability Position formalizes Ecolab’s global commitment to sustainability within the company and its impact on customers. Ecolab’s Water Stewardship Position reinforces Ecolab’s global commitment to responsible water stewardship by identifying opportunities for the company and its customers to use water resources in a manner that benefits business, communities and nature. Ecolab’s SHE position outlines the company’s commitment to excellence in safety, health and environmental practices and performance across global operations.

Water Related Areas Icon

Important Water Related Areas

Safe Water Icon

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)

Collective Action

In addition to internal operational improvements, Ecolab’s Lerma facility’s external water stewardship activities are ongoing. Shared challenges between the plant and relevant, local stakeholders include water quality, water scarcity and flooding.

To address these shared issues, Ecolab collaborates with other water users in the basin and shares its AWS certification journey with stakeholders in the local watershed. Site employees participate in numerous social projects including:

In 2022, more than 90 volunteers for the Cuautitlan and Lerma plants helped build mobile cisterns for low-income families in the community of Piedra Grande, Huixquilucan, Estado de Mexico. These cisterns will allow them to store and filter water that can be sued for human consumption, animals or food production. From their volunteer work 20 families and more than 200 people will benefit from this work.

In 2019, to contribute to the health of important water-related areas, 100 volunteers from Ecolab’s Lerma and Cuautitlán Izcalli, Mexico, sites partnered with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and ProNatura to plant 2,000 trees in the community of San Andres Totoltepec in Mexico City.

On top of local water stewardship efforts, Ecolab’s global giving programme, Solutions for Life, enhances the company’s mission to conserve and protect fresh water through partnership and additional projects with The Nature Conservancy and the Project WET Foundation.

This case study was created to comply with AWS indicators 5.1.1, 5.2.1, 5.3.1. 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.5.1, 5.5.2 and 5.5.3. Additional details regarding the Lerma site AWS work is available upon request. For more information, please contact

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