Poultry Farm and Hatchery Management
Animal welfare and profitability are top of mind for poultry farmers.
To safeguard your animals and your farm productivity, you need a biosecurity programme that's rooted in high-quality, science-based chemistry and protocols.
Ecolab partners with poultry farmers and provides effective products, cost-saving programmes and audit support. The end result? You maximise poultry production.

Biosecurity in Animal Farms
Disease prevention is critical to keeping farm animals healthy and resilient, and it all begins with biosecurity.
External biosecurity prevents the introduction and spread of germs responsible for new diseases coming into the farm; internal biosecurity controls existing diseases inside the farm. Ecolab has specialties within both areas.
A comprehensive biosecurity programme will help you avoid low performance, animal mortality, treatment costs, antibiotics, labour inefficiencies, feed costs, lab tests and poor market acceptance. By reducing the introduction and spread of infectious diseases, you affect your production and your profit.
CID LINES, an Ecolab Company
Ecolab has strengthened our animal health offerings by acquiring CID LINES, a leading global provider of livestock biosecurity and hygiene solutions.
Solutions for Poultry and Broiler Farms
Ecolab offers a full portfolio of poultry farm solutions. From beak to tail, we've got you covered.
- Poultry Drinking Water Treatment
- Chicken Hatchery Hygiene
- Farm Egg Disinfection
- Poultry Disease Risk Management
- Avian Influenza Deep Dive

Biosecurity Project: Launch of Animal Production Academic Chair
The Animal Production Biosecurity Academic Chair is a new industry/academic collaboration to further biosecurity training and research. Faculty of Ghent University Veterinary Medicine, Belgium, have collaborated with CID LINES, an Ecolab Company, to create the position. The initiative will focus on biosecurity measures that keep animals healthy, including One Health topics such as antimicrobial use.
Interested in Pig or Dairy Farm Offerings?
Ecolab also has a full portfolio of offerings for poultry and dairy farming, including proven solutions for hatcheries, avian influenza, hoof care and udder care.

Pig Farming